Bob McGilvray Design is a sole proprietorship carrying out small to mid-size design/planning commissions for clients including individuals, families, community groups and others. The scope of services may range from simple one time consultations to more comprehensive services including:
Property Assessment of sites for design opportunities and constraints prior to or after land acquisition. Locating a home, cabin, garage, accessory dwelling, driveway, well, septic fields, etc. are considered. Multi-phased development may also be an issue.
Concept/Schematic Design to develop preliminary ideas about design options for a project such as a home renovation, new cabin, new home or other facility.
Design Development to take a concept to a more fully envisioned design including general materials, systems, etc. The drawings at this stage can be used for preliminary construction budgeting and talks with regulatory bodies (municipality, etc.) about relevant issues.
Detail Design for permit applications and more detailed cost estimating.
Construction Documents provide very detailed drawings and outline specifications for final costing and/or contractor bids plus reference thru the construction process.
Construction Period Services including guidance to the owner/contractor as work progresses, advising on unanticipated conditions, liaise with regulatory agents, and revising drawings for any changes needed or requested as the work progresses.
Related to the services noted above, Bob will coordinate with surveyors, engineers, interior designers, cost estimators, heritage consultants, and others who assist as appropriate. Having these consultants involved early in a project as well as a contractor is often desirable. Pre-permit application with municipal planners may also be done.
Project types undertaken include the design of new homes, vacation homes, cabins and guest cottages; additions & renovations to existing homes. Smaller homes, tight budgets, and challenging sites with difficult regulatory restrictions are all welcome. Assisting with the understanding of zoning and regulatory issues.
See project examples below for further information.